The Power of Words is the Divine Intention expressed through Humans

वृषभं चर्षणीनां विश्वरूपमदाभ्यम्। बृहस्पतिंवरेण्यम्॥
vṛṣabhaṁ carṣaṇīnāṁ viśvarūpamadābhyam| bṛhaspatiṁvareṇyam ||
A mantra is a Vedic Astrology remedy that changes your life by opening the doors to spectacular physical, mental, and spiritual vistas.
What is a mantra?
It is a sacred utterance with transformational powers. A mantra can be a single syllable, or a group of words coded with the ability to elevate your subconscious, alter your thought patterns, attract the universe’s blessings, and create transformational outcomes.
Is a mantra a failproof remedy?
We are born because of a mantra, which Brahma whispered at our conception. This mantra gives us the body based on Kalapurusha. So, if there is a defect in the Kalapurusha cast or mould, we are born with it. Vedic Astrology teaches us to work out our defects. If we were perfect, we would attain moksha!
Can mantras heal our damaged mind-spirit matrix?
Yes. The wise amongst us learn to identify our defects and use mantras to repair them.
How do mantras work?
Mantras are highly detailed. They have a laser focus; each syllable is for a purpose. When a Vedic Astrologer recommends you a mantra, it is based on your birth chart reading. The mantra is exclusive to your condition and needs. Kaartik analyses your birth chart to see what areas are causing problems, and accordingly, recommends a mantra. For example, according to Vedic Astrology, the 5th House in the birth chart or horoscope is the Mantra Bhava or House of Mantra, and the 1st Panchakshari or 5-syllable mantra is Na-Ma-Shi-Va-Ya (Namah Shivayah). If you add Om to it, it becomes a Shadakshari or 6-syllable mantras: Om-Na-Ma-Shi-Va-Yah.
Can mantras be used for different outcomes?
Each mantra relates to a specific plane in your life: physical/material, mental or spiritual. For example, if you purely want spiritual advancement, your mantra can impact your material progress. If your wealth is fine, but your health needs attention, your mantra remedy is specific to improving your health.
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