Beware! When there's a flood of information, you can drown!

If you want to learn Vedic Astrology, there are two ways:
Surfing astrology websites and reading books on astrology, hoping to become an ‘expert’.
Learning from an experienced astrologer with a solid background. Don’t stitch a messy patchwork quilt of half-truths. Learn astrology the right way from an expert.Vedic Astrology is not only about the correct knowledge; it’s about knowing the RULES, developing INSIGHTS, and learning its APPLICATION. Only a teacher can help you master these skills. Kaartik Gor offers a range of online Vedic Astrology classes designed for EVERYONE. Begin with the introductory 4-Week Course and embark on an exciting journey!
Pre Recorded classes with Kaartik Gor.
Jyotiśa and its Roots
- It’s essential to know the Why before understanding the What. Learning the Roots of Jyotisa lays the foundation to be a life-long knowledge seeker
The Basics of Mantras
- Mantras are powerful devices, and they need to be correctly understood before chanting. I have seen students’ collect’ mantras without realizing they can negatively if misapplied. It is essential to know how a mantra is derived and why you should or shouldn’t recite a specific mantra.
The Ethics of Jyotiśa
- A primer that informs you about how to follow foundational rules of Jyotisa to avoid negative karmas: these rules are critical to being a practising Vedic Astrologer.
All About Vedic Horoscopes
- Are horoscopes seen differently in different schools of Vedic Astrology? Does a South Indian birth chart read differently than an East Indian one? Which is the correct way to draw a horoscope for readings on prosperity and good health? Loads of tips and insights!
Karma Vs Freewill in a Vedic Horoscope
- Why are we born with a specific kind of birth chart? Do karmas impact our birth? Is everything predestined in astrology? What is our free will?
- Why are planets highly uncomfortable in a particular house or bhava, and what’s their negative or mortal impact on our life?
Houses in Vedic Astrology & its significations
- Understand the 12 houses or bhavas in a birth chart and their qualities and influences on all areas of our lives.
Navagraha Planets & Significations
- The Nine Planets, their qualities, interplays, influences, and impact on our life.
Dwadash Aditya
- The 12 forms of the Sun Lord, when placed in the 12 Houses, what each placement signifies.
Dwadash Jyotirlinga
- The 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva and their significance.
Exaltation and Debilitation of Planets
- Why do planets attain Exaltation or Debilitation in particular houses or bhavas, which influences their behaviour? We will understand this critical issue.
Chatur Lagna and its Use
- The four types of Lagnas based on Kendra Houses and how their condition affects your activities: Udaya Lagna (1st House); Akash Lagna (4th House); Asta Lagna (7th House), and Jala Lagna (10th House).
Power of Speech in Vedic Astrology
- What planets and bhava conditions help or impede your power of speech? Everything you need to know!
Secrets of Graha and Remedies for Planets
- What are the planets planning for you according to your birth chart? What can we do to avoid trouble? Learn the secrets of how to overcome planetary challenges.
NOTE : The 4-Week Course is pre-recorded, and Kaartik Gor provides all answers. For sustained growth, graduate to Kaartik’s 1-YEAR COURSE and 5-YEAR EXTENSIVE COURSE in Vedic Astrology with LIVE WEBINARS.
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