Only a deep diver can see the treasures of the unknown.

The more you learn about 3-Year Course in Vedic Astrology, the more profound is your vision of Life and its true significance.However, you can only gain this knowledge in its correct form under the guidance of an expert.No amount of online surfing of astrology websites or reading books on astrology will elevate your knowledge to credible levels. If you are keen to learn Jyotisa to make a difference in your life and help others discover their path in life, if you have always wanted to unlock the secrets of this noble and illuminating ancient system, you are at the right place at the right time. Kaartik Gor has designed his online Vedic Astrology classes to cater to EVERYONE. A practising Vedic Astrologer with over two decades of experience, he has students from 84 nationalities learning the true essence of Jyotisa
Orientation & Jyotiśa Roadmap
- A look at the 3-Year path line of the astrology course and orientation.
Dasa Avatāra & Jyotiśa Significance
- Understanding the relationship between the nine planets and the Lagna to the 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Jyotisa.
Āruḍha Lagna, Application and Activation
- A complete understanding of Arudha Lagna, how it is to be applied to a birth chart and its activation.
- A seminal analysis of what is Rajayoga, its various facets and how to interpret its influence in the birth chart correctly. Why do interpretations go wrong?
Dhana Yoga
- The secrets to wealth! How to correctly determine Dhana Yoga in a birth chart. Why do interpretations go wrong?
- The yoga that everyone fears. What is it, and how is it formed?
- What are the remedies for problematic yogas? Learn all about them.
Gemstones for activation
- One of the most significant aspects of Vedic Astrology is learning about the use of gemstones, their activation and the dos and don’ts.
Rudraksha and Secret Methods
- Not everyone has the correct knowledge of Rudraksha and how and why it is worn. Get the truths here.
Varga ~ Rasi, Navāṁśa & Dasāṁśa
- Everything you need to know about your birth rasi, the D9 or Navamsa chart and the D-10 or Dasamsa charts, two of the most critical charts to be analysed for prospects.
- The system calculates an outcome or result based on specific observation of time and place in an individual’s question to the astrologer.
Tithi Pravesh
- A system in Vedic Astrology is used to predict annual events. Learn all about how to calculate and interpret it..
Muhurta & Secrets
- Unveiling the secrets of Muhurta or the correct timing for initiating auspicious events.
Secret Upadesa
Vastu In Jyotisa
- One of the significant aspects of Jyotisa is Vastu. Learn how it plays an integral role.
Spiritual Yogas and Ayana
- Get a deep understanding of Spiritual Yogas in a birth chart and of Ayana, the periods during the year when the Sun progresses over rasis.
Gemstones and Ratna Yogas
- Gain an understanding of their co-relation.
Vipreet Yogas
- How these Yogas are formed, what they signify and how to interpret them.
Various Yogas
- A detailed look at the various yogas in Vedic Astrology and what they signify.
- The yoga that everyone fears. What is it, and how is it formed?
- Lessons in calculating Ashtakavarga and how they impact dashas, sub-dashas and transits of planets.
- How to calculate shadbala of planets in a birth chart and interpret their effects.
Acchadhana Dristi
- What is the Acchadana Drishti of the different grahas or planets?
Punya Chakra
- Learn how to cast a Punya Chakra or an individual’s death chart. Will the soul be reborn? If yes, where? What karmas are taking the soul to moksha or higher lokas?
Reading and Analysis of a Horoscope
- Learn the core function of an astrologer and how it is done.
Secret Techniques
- Interpretations of birth charts using secret techniques that are only gained through the guru’s grace.
Vimshottari Dasa Secrets
- What are the secrets to decoding the Vimshottari Dashas? Exclusive knowledge on this vital subject
Narayana Dasa Secrets
- What are the secrets to decoding the Vimshottari Dashas? Exclusive knowledge on this vital subject.
Conditional Dasa
- What is a Conditional Dasa? Know all about it.
Interpreting Dasa System
- The critical guide to this skill is the foundation for accurate predictions and guidance.
Raja Sambandha
- How to detect an individual’s ability to connect to influential people and royalty in a birth chart? A rare and powerful insight.
Raja Jyotisa Secrets
- Learn about this rare and essential subject.
Special Ascendants
- What are Special Ascendants? Learn how to analyse them.
Special Dasa
- Learn the significance of Special Dasas in a birth chart.
- Calculating the length of an individual’s life as per their birth chart.
Transit of Planets
- What are the effects of transit of various planets through the 12 houses in a birth chart?
How to consult and Remedies Part 2
- What are the effects of transit of various planets through the 12 houses in a birth chart?
Assignments and Assessments
- What are the effects of transit of various planets through the 12 houses in a birth chart?
Upadesas and Special Mantras for Success in Jyotisa
- Interpretations of birth charts using secret techniques that are only gained through the guru’s grace.
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