Why Yama Yoga Lives up to its Deadly Name

When Saturn and Mars, the two taskmaster planets, clash in a horoscope, it leads the native down a slippery slope. When you have Yamayoga the god of death is activated!

Table of Content

  • What is yama yoga?
  • The name of the yoga says it all!
  • Conclusion

The name Yama strikes terror in people’s hearts. Understandably because in Hindu mythology, Yama is the God of Death. So why has a yoga in Vedic Astrology been named after him?

I’ll give you the reasons.


Yama Yoga in vedic astrology
Yama Yoga in vedic astrology

Yama Yoga forms when the two malefic planets, Saturn, and Mars, are placed in the same house in a horoscope or aspect each other.Vedic Astrology has good and bad yogas, and they make life interesting! Negative yogas directly impact longevity and health, and hence you don’t want to have them in your horoscope. Having said this a Raj Jyotiṣa is one who can convert adversity into opportunity and that is the intent with every Duryoga. 


Yama is the God of Death, and hence Yama Yoga brings an end/death to an individual, event, activity, or relationship, so it is not a great yoga. However, I will share the example of a client with Yama Yoga, who I advised, and he benefited from the remedy. Before we get into examples, let us understand the background of Yama Yoga.

  • Mars and Saturn have additional aspects, apart from all planets’ regular 7th House aspect. Therefore, they have a more significant say in our destiny.
  • Our planet is our Bhu Loka or the world in which we reside, and Mars rules it, so this planet decides the duration of our stay in this Loka. If you rent a house, the landlord has a full say in how long you can rent it, right?
  • Saturn is the slowest moving planet in our solar system, and it is the karaka for the 6th, 8th, and 12th Houses in the horoscope. These Houses represent some of the most significant areas in our life, such as the 6th House (enemies, debts, disease, job and occupation, sickness), 8th House (death, longevity, sudden, unexpected events, rebirth) and 12th House (loss, decline, liberation, isolation). So, Saturn has a tremendous impact on our lives.
  • Mars is exalted in the natural 10th House of the Zodiac, Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.
  • In the natural 7th House in the Zodiac, Mars is in Marana Karaka Sthana, and Saturn is exalted here. It’s a play of the opposites.

Can you see the love/hate relationship between these two planets?


Saturn and Mars are malefic planets, and their antagonism naturally leads to great disturbance in life. Imagine a fight between two boxing champions. In the boxing ring (any house in the horoscope) are Saturn, kitted out in blue shorts, and Mars in red. Imagine what happens when they come face to face! Check out my video on Yama Yoga posted in 2016. That year, Yama Yoga was formed in Scorpio, the natural 8th House of the Zodiac. I called it the Breakup Season. Why? Because the second House from every House influences the House after it. Lagnā or 1st House feeds on the 2nd House, and the 7th House feeds on the 8th House. When a particular House has a bad combination or a dur yoga, it impacts the House 12th from it, and the dur yoga does not allow the House to benefit. The 7th House rules Relationship/Business, and I saw many relationships end in 2016/17.

Yama Yoga transit
Yama Yoga transit

The same Yama Yoga transit was operational recently in Capricorn, where Mars is in exaltation. Capricorn is called a graveyard, and the coronavirus increased during this phase and continued till Mars was in Aquarius, which Saturn/Rahu rules. The adverse transit in the natural 10th House impacted work and office and nearly killed office going. Was this the result of Yama Yoga? Think about it. Mars was part of direct/indirect Yama Yoga from March 22, 2020, to June 18, 2020, after which the yoga broke.


Now, the question is, does Yama Yoga have no redeeming aspects? I am a positive guy and always look for the silver lining in a black cloud. So, here are two charts, one with a very negative impact due to Yama Yoga and the other that’s a bit positive.

Yama Yoga Marriage Chart
Yama Yoga Marriage Chart

This chart shows that Mars/Saturn in the 11th House and the 8th House have two Rajas planets. The native was happily married, but she had an affair during the Moon Mahadasha. In the Moon/Mercury sub-period, her husband came to know of her infidelity, and he immediately separated. It is worth noting that Moon is the 9th Lord in the 6th House (out of luck and father’s anger), and Venus is the 7th Lord in the 8th House. Mercury is also Atmakaraka and dispositor of Yama Yoga and aspected by the dur yoga. Yama Yoga put tremendous stress on her marriage, bringing it to the point of no return. I advised the client to chant the Shiva mantra as a remedy to save the relationship.


Now, the question is, does Yama Yoga have no redeeming aspects? I am a positive guy and always look for the silver lining in a black cloud. So, here are two charts, one with a very negative impact due to Yama Yoga and the other that’s a bit positive.

Yama Yoga Marriage Chart

This chart shows that Mars/Saturn in the 11th House and the 8th House have two Rajas planets. The native was happily married, but she had an affair during the Moon Mahadasha. In the Moon/Mercury sub-period, her husband came to know of her infidelity, and he immediately separated. It is worth noting that Moon is the 9th Lord in the 6th House (out of luck and father’s anger), and Venus is the 7th Lord in the 8th House. Mercury is also Atmakaraka and dispositor of Yama Yoga and aspected by the dur yoga. Yama Yoga put tremendous stress on her marriage, bringing it to the point of no return. I advised the client to chant the Shiva mantra as a remedy to save the relationship.

Now let us see the positive aspect of Yama Yoga because every adversity also brings opportunity.

Dasāamśa (D10) career chart,
Dasāamśa (D10) career chart

Above is the Dasāamśa (D10) career chart, and there is a Yama Yoga in the 7th House of Business. So, I advised the native to pursue insurance as a career, and he is a veteran now! Insurance deals with death and fear, so people buy life insurance policies. If Yama Yoga must bring in money, it must be aligned with its significance. Though there have been ups and downs in the native’s life, he has been a member of prestigious clubs and a pioneer in insurance for a decade.

So, you can see how the same adverse yoga can also give good results, provided you know how to think out of the box.

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